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More Resources

More Resources Hale Fire Protection District’s goal is to provide resources that can help promote fire safety and prevent fires from occurring. The Hale Fire Protection District recognizes the importance of educating the community about fire safety and awareness. As a result, their goal is to provide more resources that can help promote fire safety […]


Missouri DNR Open Burning Regulations

Missouri DNR Open Burning Regulations Prior to conducting any open burning, businesses and citizens should contact the city or county of jurisdiction for any local restrictions. Missouri DNR Open Burning Regulations Air Pollution Control Program fact sheet Division of Environmental Quality Director: Kyra Moore 05/01/2020PUB2047 Open burning is the burning of any materials in which […]


Arson and Youth Firesetting

Arson and Youth Firesetting Hale Fire Protection District can help our communities reduce the occurrence of arson and reduce its devastating effect by making residents aware of measures to safeguard their homes, buildings, and property. Arson is an extremely detrimental and grievous offense that not only results in the destruction of structures and assets, but […]

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